Now, there are more than three accurate methods for early pregnancy detection in livestock animals. The earlier the method can detect pregnancy, the better it is for the producers.
Now, the pregnancy-specific protein B (PSPB) is more accurate (95-99%) and sensitive method for early pregnancy detection in cattle at 28-30 days post-mating and in buffalo females at 22-26 days post-mating (Abdulkareem et al, 2011, Reprod. Domest. Anim.,46: 455-462).
buffaloes are nearly similar to cattle (GLATZEL P.S., ALI A., GILLES M., FIEDLAK C. (2000): Zur Feststellung der Frühträchtigkeit bei 30 Wasserbüffelfärsen (Bubalus bublis) durch die transrektale Palpation mit und ohne Ultrasonographie. Tierärztl. Umschau 55: 329-332.)