11 November 2015 6 9K Report

Our lab group currently uses a conscious, unrestrained but tethered 275-350g male Wistar rat model of sepsis. As part of this model invasive blood pressure measurements are taken continuously. Currently this is achieved by cannulating the carotid artery with PE-50 tubing, tunnelling the tubing to the nape of the neck and exteriorising through a swivel attached tether system. A blood pressure transducer measures the blood pressure changes by tracking the fluid dynamics within the tubing.

This surgery required to place this line (and a jugular line to administer fluids) is quite invasive and I would like to reduce the surgical severity if possible. This will likely require choosing more distal cannulation sites where blood vessel diameter is smaller and where the tubing we currently use would be too large. Smaller tubing would therefore be required however I am concerned that smaller tubing will lose patency more easily and/or simply not transmit blood pressure information well enough.

Does anyone have any advice or experience on this - particularly what the lower limits for tubing diameter for successful blood pressure measurement would be.

Many thanks.

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