Sustainability originally comes from forestry, i.e. what do we have to do to have healthy forests in the future. The cognitive link, from the prespective of systems thought, is the ability of any system to maintain itself for a longer time. In economics, the concept of dynamic efficiency comes close to sustainability thinking, i.e. to align short-term and long-term goals dynamically, in terms of creative futurism or wisdom.
The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.
"Isaac Asimov's Book of Science and Nature Questions". Book edited with Jason A. Shulman, p. 281, 1988.
Future thinking represents the ability of people to see things more deep and predict the future based on some actual situations, this may be called aslo as diveregent thinking when some people as prior to think for the future different feom the others, however sustainability is the phenomena that came excat from these people that used to think divergent and in a very accurate way which brings a better future for humans and our planet.