The ancient as well as the primitive man found in animal fat and other fatty substances the main constituents to satisfy his brain and with it his existence. 

Since then, the hungry brain has sought after what is called today "extreme sports"  as well as increasingly more difficult obtainable food substances to provide its satisfaction.

At the start, this satisfaction consisted of staple food plus the addition of herbs, sauces, spices and the search for mixing the ingredients to let the brain reach its highest form of satisfaction.

At a later stage, drugs have taken over, be it alcohol, smoking, as well as stupefacient drugs which bring the brain into a state of hallucination and a world of dreams and escapism from our natural environment of family and society.

The final question is: How far will the brain request more of these and still other food concoctions and stupefacients to keep up with the brain's requests. 

Is this steady grow also the reason for a dissatisfied brain? And until when? 

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