One of the sectors most affected during the viral emergency of COVID-19 is education, the quality due in numerous migratory situations towards virtuality. To contribute to the debate, especially in pandemic medical education, I wish to share the following manuscript.
Article Educación médica en tiempo de Pandemia: el caso de la Enferm...
The impact of COVID-19 is very negative in medical education in LMIC-countries such as Haiti. Not only because our education system was not ready for onlinne courses or hybrid courses but also the clinical internship is very challenging. Many difficulties : high number of students, small quantity of PPE and so on.
I don't think there is a good study yet about the effect of COVID-19 on Accounting. Therefore, I think this would be an excellent area to study. However, there are a number of research papers published about education in general, some of which could help in this regard.
The covid19 pandemic has a very harsh influence on teaching at all degrees because the crowding classes are completely forbidden and were replaced by distance online teaching. This online teaching arises many problems technical maybe and is not solved completely now.
Necessity is the mother of invention.Accounting is an age old discipline, it will further grow because of excessive use of technology i.e. Artificial Intelligence,Block Chain, Cloud Computing,Data Analytics etc.As far as teaching part is concerned, Accounting education may suffer a bit as it needs practical knowledge, rather than just theoretical/conceptual knowledge. But the hard working accounting teachers and their sincere students will be able to devise some way to turn this "calamity" into an "opportunity".