Having trouble keeping a drug in solution. What is the highest amount of DMSO you can use to dissolve a drug for intracranial infusions? 20% DMSO wasn't enough to keep it in solution. Any other suggestions? Thank you!!
For external use the maximum concentration is 70%. For internal use, no data is available on the maximum percentage. However, I have checked the products of ALZET and found that they use the following:
Commonly used solvents known to be compatible with ALZET pumps*:
* for solvent compatibility with ALZET catheters, please contact technical support at [email protected]
Hello all. I have recently done a study using a 20% DMSO solution directly infused into the brain via cannulas (had to use this high of a concentration to dissolve my drug). Vehicle treated animals had no adverse effects, neither did the treated animals (apart from the drug working!). Thanks for your input!