Apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 (APE1) is an essential enzyme for DNA base excision repair, which repairs most of the DNA base damage in cells, such as caused by oxidation and alkylation. APE1 cuts flips out and incises abasic sites and creating a single-strand DNA break that is protected somewhat by product binding which aids handoff to polymerase and ligase to complete repair without released damaged intermediates (see C.D. Mol et al. Nature 403, 451-6, 2000). Over–expression of APE1 dis-regulates base repair and creates DNA single strand breaks at basic sites. APE1 over-expression is thus associated with some cancers as recently shown for cervical cancer risk. However in the presence of increases base damage such as from oxidative stress, increased APE1 may be reduce cancer and be the mechanism of cancer chemoprotection by selenium. So the impact of APE1 depends upon a balance of base damage and repair pathway components.