23 November 2023 1 4K Report

Hi all, I have been testing housekeeping gene stability in human dermal fibroblasts, ipsc and ipsc-derived cells for circadian studies. Using the same set of primers, the Ct for 18S rRNA is about 20, 8, 8 in the samples above.

In case you are wondering about whether it's the load. The assumed inputs were all 3ng cDNA/well in all qPCR set-ups. And the raw Ct levels for my other reference gene candidates from mRNA were quite similar, including bACTIN, GAPDH, HRPT1, RPLP0, TBP and YWHAZ. The samples were collected and proceeded separately across a few months, and run on difference qPCR plates due to space.

I used ThermoFisher Superscript IV with random hexamers for RT, and Thermo Fisher SYBR Green on a StepOnePlus Real-Time PCR system. The only difference in procedure I could think of is that I didn't put as much RNase out in the fibroblast samples during RT. Could there be a bias of transcription efficiency (or degradation) against rRNA, I wonder?

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