We did an LBL assembly protocol, with PEI/PSS and PEI/PAA, on the surface of stainless steel needles - up to 6 bilayers. From experience and literature, this is known to be stable.
In the past, we usually store the prepared LBL-coated needles in +4•C, and still get acceptable rests.
However, a colleague mistakenly deposited the coated needles in a -20•C freezer, and they got frozen/frosted to a large extent. Right now, I’m unsure of going ahead with the downstream protocol, as I cannot ascertain the stability of the coatings. Any insights on that, based on experience, would be highly appreciated.
Also, I’d like to know how long, on the average, a thin film coating can last without losing it’s stability or structure. If you have any other storage ideas that work for you, I’d like to hear it please.
Thank you!