07 January 2018 19 461 Report

-Corrosion rate vs. Grain Size of Pure Metals

-There are several studies reporting the corrosion rate of pure metals increases when grain size increases (Birblis,Corrosion, 2010), (Ralston, Corrosion, 2010) and some reported the opposite trend (D. Song, Corrosion Science, 2010).

Theoretically grain boundaries are defects zones and corrosion can initiates from these zones (like etching process where GBs appears). so corrosion rate should increases with increasing grain size. but majority of researches observed the opposite trend. They mentioned that regarding to more uniform surface layer (hydroxide layer) forming on the exposed surface of materials with finer grains, corrosion rate decreases. So what is your opinion about these two controversial trends?

- Dislocations Effect vs. GS

-some researchers believe even though corrosion rate can be reduced by grain refinement through the severe plastic deformation, but corrosion rate increases with increase in dislocations (probably inside the grains) and lattice strain (song, Corrosion Science, 2010), (HS Kim, Corrosion Science 2014) so annealing after SPD can significantly reduces the corrosion rate. However grain boundaries also are the main location of dislocations. So why dislocations inside the grains accelerate the corrosion rate while dislocations in GBs decreases the corrosion rate??

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