13 Questions 21 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ahmad Bahmani
For different purposes, molten metals will be in contact with a ceramic material. For example a furnace nozzle guides the melt flow to the mold is usually made from a thermo-chemical resistant...
26 June 2022 4,286 8 View
I am looking for the statistical graphs or data showing how much wrought Mg alloys is produced in the world. The graph may compare the cast and wrought alloys. Any data in this regard is...
26 August 2019 6,635 2 View
-Corrosion rate vs. Grain Size of Pure Metals -There are several studies reporting the corrosion rate of pure metals increases when grain size increases (Birblis,Corrosion, 2010), (Ralston,...
07 January 2018 468 19 View
Using SAED we would have some bright points reflecting the orientation of a specific phase? Would you please let me know how I can analyze them and get to know the related phase? Thank you!
06 July 2017 3,712 4 View
I have few correlated questions about XRD profile, that I appreciate to know your opinions in this regards? How can I calculate the exact fraction of each phase using XRD? (Using RIR or better...
06 July 2017 201 9 View
Would you please let me know how I can measure the fraction (volume or area) of different orientations using EBSD?
04 June 2017 6,788 4 View
Hi, In the Gwyddion, how can I change the Z values? I have a distribution of results, I like to limit the Z values to make better resolution in some areas, but I can not find the proper...
18 February 2017 5,131 2 View
I am going to prepare some Mg Alloy (containing Al and Zn) sample for TEM. I want to electropolish it before PIPS. I will appreciate to know your suggesting solution and voltage or other...
28 January 2016 1,124 3 View
Sometimes the simulation stops for different reasons. Sometime I need to pause simulations. 1- How should I pause and 2-How should I resume the simulation? Many thanks,
06 January 2015 8,468 4 View
Dear Researchers, Hope all be safe and healthy and far from Covid-19, I would like to ask your opinion about you overall purpose of doing research. Throughout the history, researchers have tried...
01 January 1970 8,712 7 View
Anybody can help me how I should I open and analyze the microCT files with the extension of "dcm"? I opened the file from a studied bone using a software called "File Viewer Lite" and opened the...
01 January 1970 4,988 2 View
We know Cr can form a stainless steel. But can one explains me a detail for this corrosion phenomena. I will appreciate if you please consider the following items when you answer. 1....
01 January 1970 5,017 3 View
As we know, Mg is used as bio-degradable materials. It means that it should be corroded and disappear after a specified time. But in majority of the literature that I read, it has been tried to...
01 January 1970 9,333 6 View