1. If you want to publish an article in the ISI index journals, you can consider the quality of the related journals based on the impact factor or number of issues in one year.
2. If you want to publish an article in the Scopus index, you can consider the Q classification of the related journals in https://www.scimagojr.com/ website.
3. If you want to publish an article with a specific publisher such as Springer, you can search the journal title in https://journalsuggester.springer.com/ website or https://journalfinder.elsevier.com/ for Elsevier to select a suitable journal.
Great question. Choosing the right journal really depends on your target audience. Presenting your results to an audience that will engage with your work and cite your work is far more valuable to you and should be the primary consideration when choosing your target journal.
Here are some important questions to consider when trying to identify your target audience.
Who will benefit the most from the results you intend to publish?
Are the results and conclusions of general interest?
Would the results be of more interest to researchers in a particular field?
Where are researchers in your field publishing their work?
One of the biggest mistakes that authors make is to choose a journal based on its reputation or impact factor. There are other factors you should consider, such as the audience, scope, costs, copyright options, and publishing time.
One of the easiest ways...look at the papers you have cited in the manuscript. Most of the time, the journals you have cited the most would be the first ones to consider.