Male patient diabetic and hypertensive,with hx of choleycytectomy,has high lipase enzyme and he is asymptomatic. CT abdomen normal,tumor markers are negative.What is the cause?!
High Lipase Numbers with no symptoms - hyperlipasemia
Posted over a year agoFor over 3 years I had flucatinig lipase numbers ranging from 1-4x over limit. The first was found incidentally while completely asymptomatic. When discovered I was given ultrasound, ct scans with constrast, ca19, colonscopy, celiac test, liver, kindey, cbc, hep, etc and all were fine. I do not drink and do not have a family history of pancreatic cancer.
Gastros diagnosed me with benign condition. However 2 years later for reassurance I had MRI on pancrease which again was normal. My gastro and his team tell me not to worry and there is nothing wrong with pancreas.
However I read these reports and it looks like I need EUS test is the test I need, which is not common here in USA. My gastro refuses to send me get one because he does not feel it's necessary. Reports below state that my so-called benheing condition is not so benign and pancreatic disease are found over 50% of time with further testing with EUS with people with Asymptomatic Pancreatic Hyperenzymemia. Some days my test are normal and some days they over slighlt over limit or 1x over limit. I have no symptoms whatsover.
So far I seen 4 gastros and they all think I have too much anxiety and not to worry but they are unaware of the latest studies.
Hyperamylasaemia and/or hyperlipasaemia: incidence and underlying causes in hospitalized patients with non-pancreatic diseases.Scand J Gastroenterol. 2009;44(2):237-41
Also consider autoimmune pancreatitis (history of autoimmunity/diabetes). Probably EUS and MRCP might be of value (did he have ERCP before cholecystectomy?/possibility of gallstone remnants in CBD).