If this is a custom approach, saying "experimental", then there is a meduino project. This is an arduino based device for measuring bio signals. There are several shields for this devices to easily transfer the data by wifi, bluetooth, xbee or GSM. So, if You want to cook something up for yourself, or You are interested in the raw data, this might be the thing for You.
Among others, the RDT Tempus Pro monitor and telemedical transceiver has those capacities. In the interest of full disclosure - I own no stock nor do I have family working with this company. I have, however, evaluated the device and used it in field settings, and I like it.
CorScience Multiparameter Sensor MP-10 will fit your needs. As far as I know it offers blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, 6 or 12 channel ECG. Not sure about temperature. It also has Bluetooth capabilities so that it can interact with your mobile phone for telemedical purposes.