Hi everyone.
I want to ask about the deffinition of Correlation and Cross- correlation. I recently explored this stuff in the internet and could not concluded the thershold of these two deffinition while their equations are some how different. What I found is like this:
Correlation: is the degree of simmilarity between two time series or signal in the same time or sequence while no lag is considered in the magnitude of (-1 to 1).
Cross-correlation: is the degree of similarity between two time series in different times or space while lag can be considred when time is under investigation. The diffenece between these two time series in different situation like distance, angle, direction etc. can be considered while the space is under investigation respectively.
Auto-correlation: is the cross-correlation of a time series while investitigating the persitance between lagged times of the same time series or signal.
please correct me if I am wrong in any details of the deffinitions.
thankfully yours.