I would like to know What are the major composition of composite materials. A bio composite material should be free from chemicals or there may be some chemical added to enhance its activity.
In a broad sense, a composite material is formed by combining two or more constituents with significantly different properties to obtain a new material with a unique combination of properties. The common feature of composites widely used in technology and engineering is enhancement of the mechanical and physical properties of the main (matrix) constituent by another constituent called reinforcement.
To respond your question, there exist many biocompatible chemicals such as starch, cellulose, poly(acrylic acid), aminoacids etc. used as components of medicines including adhesive composites for drug delivery or similar. I attach the chapter on biomaterials/cryogels, where some composites are described in Section 5.03.5. Hope it may help.
A composite material is made by combining two or more materials – often ones that have very different properties. The two materials work together to give the composite unique properties. The resulting composite material has a balance of structural properties that is superior to either constituent material alone. Biocomposite is a composite material formed by a matrix and a reinforcement. Generally biocomposites materials are classified into three groups:
1-Articulated composites (bio-based polymers and nanocellulose)
2-Fibrous composites(cotton,flax,hemp,jute,kenaf,sisal and coir)