error message (autogrid4: ERROR: can't find or open receptor PDBQT file "1e7u.pdbqt")
I think you getting error to run the Autogrid program. You have to save your pdbqt files properly to overcome this issue. In Autodock4, the PDBQT files are used store the atomic coordinates, partial charges and AutoDock atom types for both the receptor and the ligand. ( I 'm also a beginner for autodock4)
You have to save your ligand as .pdbqt first after identification of Torsion.
Then in the grid box setting steps, You have to choose the macromolecule (protein) and save it as .pdbqt file format.
While you complete these steps carefully you can run the Autogrid program.
Thanks for your suggestion. could you help me to get IR, NMR and theoretical crystal sudies of metal complex as you did for cpl paer. i will give the authorship.if it is ok give your maild id. i will contact you.
Make sure that pdbqt file name is without space. This is due to improper GPF file. I suggest you have look on for beginners
Ph_Noha Gamal, perhaps you have not prepared your .gpf file properly. Repeat the procedure for .gpf file format your error would get rectified; if not then, see this attachment pg. 17 to pg. 21; this might be of some help.