There are very big differences between the two drugs. Amisulpiride is knwon as "solian"-a drug with neuroleptic properties. We use amisulpiride for the treatment of schisofrenia predominantly. Levosulpiride is a drug for gastrointenstinal abnormalities. We /psychiatrists/ use levosulpiride for psychosomatic problems, using its activities for autonomic nervous system. We have at disposal "sulpiride"="eglonil" as well. In some cases "amisulpiride" meight be used for psychosomatic problems, but in very low doses.
thank you Dr. Natsov. Amisulpride is going to be launched in Nepal shortly and levosulpride is not yet available but when browsing about the drugs i found that it was predominantly used for functional GI disorders. i was surprised by the difference in indications considering that levosulpride is also a congener of sulpride. i would be grateful if you could elaborate on its ANS effect and also on the reason for such different indications.
Levosulpride is a selective antagonist of dopamine D2 receptors on both central and peripheral levels. This drug is a benzamide atypical antipsychotic which has also effects on mood and negative symptoms of schizophrenia.