Nothing clear in the picture, it can be physiologic or pathogenic
Indeed identification of plant diseases based on the pictures is not a scientific and reliable way. It's better you send ur plant samples to the advance phytopathology labs.
Obviously no diagnosis can be carried out by a picture presenting a general symptom. The tree is at a late stage of destruction possibly due to various agents such as Verticillium wilt, Phytophthora or Eutypa lata and Botryosphaeria infection. Check for the presence of other trees in the orchard with earlier symptoms.
I think the cracking symptom that you showed in the picture is a secondary disorder, the tree may affected by different biotic or abiotic stresses during growth period and died in the end. If you are searching the casual agent of tree decline you can investigate the pattern of disorder in the orchards and survey the effects of drought or salinity stress and some pests and diseases such as gummosis and die back.