I have very small and more importantly irreplaceable soil samples (2 gr each) and I need to use appropriate testing for Manganese concentration. Thank you all ahead of time
The routine analytical method is using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer). Acid digested soil solution is prepared for total manganese content and DTPA soil extract is prepared for exchangeable/available manganese content.
Wet digestion method is usually used for digestion of the soil samples. Then Atomic absorption spectrometry ( AAS ) is a technique which is helpful for measuring the quantities of ...............concentration of heavy metals present in soil samples in order of abundance Zn, Mn ,Cu, Cr, Pb, Cd. The Tessler SEP can be used on a broad array of soil types provided the metals tested for are those listed above. This probably why the Tessler SEP is the most used procedure to date. For more details consult www.bioline.org.br ---pdf
First of all what is your main goal? You want to determine total or plant available. If it is total you can use acid digestion. If you want plant available Mn there are vairiety of methods. For your goal you should select the one calibrated or commonly used method in your study area or region or country. In addition there are variety of sequential extraction procedures to evaluate partitioning of manganese including heavy metals. One of them is Tessier et al. 1979 which is frequently used.