There are number of simulator is exist for MANET routing protocol such as Exata (Qualnet Extension), NS2, NS3, Glomosim, OPNET. Such as NS2 and NS3 are Command Line based and Qualnet( Exata) is GUI based. If you are not good in command line than you can use Exata. It will give you initial speedup to your work. But it is completely commercial software and others are Open-source. It also gives you emulation support.
To support directional antennas and beam-forming ,i will recommend OPNET. OPNET has antenna pattern editor where you can model antenna according to your own requirements. Then you can test different adhoc networking protocols.Second Opnet is easy to use comparatively to get good results.
You can use also Omnet, the only problem that I have found with OPNET is the license, I am more confortable with the omnet academic license, but if you university has a opnet license, you can begin to produce results very quickly