I have synthesized cerium oxide nanoparticles via hydrolysis method using NaOH. I obtained yellow precipitates at the end of reaction indicating synthesis of cerium oxide nanoparticles. But in UV vis spectral scan showing two small humps around 225 and at 350 nm. The FTIR spectra showed absorbance peak at 664 cm-1. In literature, FTIR peaks of cerium oxide nanoparticles are reported at 476 cm-1 (Ce-O stretching), 556 cm-1 (O-Ce-O) and 668 cm-1 (Ce-O) stretching mode. I also have peaks at 1055 and 1318 cm-1 for nitrate.
Does that indicate reduction wasn't complete?
Or Calcination is necessary for Ce oxide nanoparticles synthesis?
I have attached the UV vis spectrum.
Thanks in advance for your assistance and guidance.