Hi Fatemeh, let us know if you don't find a suitable antibody solution. We can generate a custom DNA aptamer reagent for you in 3-4 weeks. Please see www.BasePairBio.com for more information. Best, Bill
it is important to know if the antibody you are using is monoclonal or polyclonal, and also the concentration of the antibody you using. If you use higher concentration of antibody you will get more no of bands.
please consider these points before deciding the fitness of your antibody
Do you generally prefer +4 liquid antibodies (of e.g. Santa Cruz) with low concentration or -20 frozen antibodies (of e.g. Cell Signaling) with high quality but low quantity and difficulty in handling?
I would recommend a free antibody database at labome.com. For antibodies to RELB you can check the following link: https://www.labome.com/review/gene/human/RelB-antibody.html. Bethyl has RelB antibody (Bethyl Laboratories, A302-183A) suitable for WB. In addition, Cell Signaling Technology RelB antibody (Cell Signaling Technologies, 4922) used in western blot on human samples at 1:1000 (fig 3) (Douanne et al, J Cell Sci. 2016). EMD Millipore RelB antibody (Milipore, 06-1105) used in western blot on mouse samples (fig s7) (Finkin et al, Nat Immunol. 2015). Also, Abcam has RelB antibody (Abcam, ab33917) suitable for WB.