Battery system common electrodes act as Li, Na, K-Metal composites Cathode and Carbon is Anode., But in Some Battery Hybrid super-capacitor types device some reports are carbon (Like atom doping materials are cathode, Metal oxides or Layered materials served as Anode, And we are used Battery type electrolytes (Li, Na,K-PF6 - EC-DEC/FEC). i request need some suggestion following questions !.

1) In Battery Type Hybrid Supercapacitors System, Which is Act as Cathode and Anode Active Materials?.

2) What is total mass/weight ratio calculation in full-cell battery type Hybrid Supercpacitor device. what is mass balance calculation? (Anode mass : cathode mass), some reports.(1:1, 1:2, 1:4 (mg) !

Some Literature cathode(carbon) mass taken more (4mg) compare to anode mass anode (2mg) only !

3) What is the full-cell device? testing., what is the Half-cell Device ?, 2032 coin cell type in Li-ion, Na-ion, K -ion Hybrid...etc

4) What is the Current density (mA/g) applied/used in 2032 Coin cell type hybrid?

Please researchers, Scientists, Professors help me/ suggest and share any reference, hand written notes, thanks to all, plz help me.

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