Hi. It's 2021 January. Recently, I got to know that Elsevier has converted around 160 journals into some "Transformative Journals" and follow the recommendations under "Plan S" (https://www.coalition-s.org/) which aims to convert all academic publications "OPEN ACCESS". For this, the academic giants are converting their journals as fully open access, where instead of an Institutional subscription required by the readers, authors will pay an article-processing charge. But now as a young researcher, to opt for open access worth it??

My context is following:

1. Country's Financial status: Middle-income country

2. Journals Impacts are highly considered during recruitment.

3. General preference IMPACT>CITATIONS

4. Limited funds available in the lab.

So if I wish to publish some review article, or some additional finding, paying for APC is BIG DIFFICULTY.

and my doubt is

1. DOES managing the journals take that much money?? 3500$ for each article, really?

2. Both, the researcher and the reviewer are the main parties involved, which the journals seem to be a carrier of information between these parties and eventually to the outside world, so why is this buzz around open access if it is eventually creating pressure on the authors?

3. For some journals/publishers, I noticed is APC is proportional to impact, so what can be concluded by this, seems like a complete business model.

So I request if anyone can tell me the ACTUAL COST of PUBLICATION??

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