What is strategic planning of an electrical and electronic engineering department? How to prepare this planning? How it can be implemented? How to monitor the implementation of strategic planning?
Una planeacion Estrategica, surge del analisis profundo de la empresa y su entorno, para lo cual deberia primero realizar una segmentacion de su mercado de oportunidades, un analisis PEST y un analisis FODA cin estos usted analiza todas las variables del macro y micro entorno respectivamente, el resultado de este analisis lo debe llevar a elegir las estrategias necesarias para su proyecto. Implementarlo y controlarlo son variables independientes y sinonimos de unproyecto indicidual para cada variable.
As a chairman, technically you need to establish :
1. Resources
2. Human Resources
3. Current flow activity of your resources
4. Simplify by using Performance Index Approach
5. Define your strategic Planning, New Objective,What You want achieve during your tenure, Start formulate any positive move that can enhance all your resources activity and boost your Performance Outcomes.
6. Remember ... the task is not an individual movement but must establish your own team(choose your assistant team meticulously, use evidence base approach) that can meet your strategic planning goal.
7. Once establish then start to do your Strategic Planning Frame Work.
For monitoring the implementation of a strategic plan, balnced scorecard approach can be utilized. A balanced scorecard approach generally has four perspectives: