I would like to know a reliable method of staining plant neucleolus in lathyrus sativus. I have got some old literature with allium cepa nucelolus staining. Can anyone give me the silver nitrate staining method with lathyrus sativus?
Thanks a lot. Could you please send me the following papers. It would be off immense help for me. Actually the original method had been given in these following papers from the others have followed.
method for Ag-NOR staining and its application to plant
chromosomes. - Chin. Bull. Bot. 7: 56-59, 1990.
2. Liu, D.H., Jiang, W.S.: Effects of Al3+ on the nucleolus of
Allium cepa root- tip cells. - Hereditas 115: 213-219, 1991.
3. SATO, S. & SHIGEMATSU, T. (1985). Light and electron microscopic study on the behavior of the nucleolar material during mitosis in root tip meristems of Vtciafaba. Caryologia 38