religious come from lat religare mean re-connection so is engl yoke coming from Yoga with the same meaning and in german Joch connects as Jungfrauch-Joch ... so religious or yoga language is my humble opinion
Religious language as a weapon can be used as a way of exhortation or as an indirect message to your enemies. For example, John 3:1-10 (Jesus Christ and Nicodemus) the Jewish leader visited Jesus Christ at night because he did not want to be seen. So, it has become a norm for other denominations to refer to someone who sneaks in or goes to a place unnoticed to say, he/she went "Nicodemusly."
Religious language refers to language as applied to the religious context. As applied in a religious context, words used in language tend to acquire a certain sense that differs from their sense when used in secular contexts. It is when happens that a language is described as a religious language.
Thomas Aquinas believed that when applied to God, words used in language are not completely literal but analogous (from analogy). What he says can be summarized as follows:
When our human words are applied to God, they do not mean the same thing as when applied to human beings (they are not applied univocally)
When terms are applied to God, they do not carry a sense completely different from when applied to human beings (they are not applied equivocally).
When words are applied to God, they mean not only something similar to when applied to human beings but also something different because, unlike us finite beings, God is an infinite being (they are applied analogously). Everything good in man is found in its perfect measure in him. Thus saying that he is good, is the same thing as saying that he is goodness itself. He is identical with his attributes.
As a result, religious language is analogous by nature.
To my mind, "religious language" is ordinary language used in the service of a religion. Some terms will be technical enough to be basically restricted to the religious sphere, but the same principle applies to business language or scientific language.