Religion can positively impact on entrepreneurship when business is done under the fear of God; underpinning values of stewardship and high ethical standards
I think the relationship between 'entrepreneurship' and 'religion' may be more complex, than if simply measured by the 'mushrooming of churches'. A few considerations:
Entrepreneurship as a function of 'stewardship' (Matt. 25: 14-30).
Entrepreneurship as a visible demonstration of 'salt and light' (Matt. 5:13). When Christian businessmen and women 'walk the walk', it has a profound impact upon a culture which may (often) have little appreciation of such ethical values.
Entrepreneurship as a driver/funder of Christian ministry (Christian businessmen funded the massively influential evangelistic works of George Whitefield, John Wesley - as well as most modern missionary organisations.
Entrepreneurship as the engine of economic autonomy for communities of Christian believers (my own insight derives from Burundi, where this is a pervasive emphasis, and is invariably transformative of local communities).
The mindset of the believer - Paul the Apostle is a self-funded missionary into unreached territories, but the spirit which drives him is closely linked to the entrepreneurship of his tent-making.