Risk of death more with T1DM, total number of deaths more with T2DM
In numbers, because type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is more common (90%) in adults particularly when associated with complications, most of the patients with COVID-19 and the deaths are related to T2DM.
T1DM has 3 times more risk of death compared with T2DM. However, because T1DM is only about 10% of total diabetes, the number affected and dying due to COVID-19 are smaller.
According our autopsies expierence. In total number of deaths COVID-19 is more common, possiibly beacause it is more common and these patients has more complications (chronic heart filure, chronic kidney failure etc). But didn`t still have autopsy of diabetes mellitus type 1, may be because it is more rary pathology.
In my opinion, T1DM and T2DM have different pathology. T2DM has systematic inflammation in the pathogenesis. So it can be a comorbid factor for Covid19. There's the reason why patients COVID with diabetes have higher mortality rate