Please take a look in the article published in Bioenerg. Res. (2013) 6:1-13. I will be pleased in adding some explanation if you think it will be necessary. Best regards
Cold Filter Plugging Point at which a given volume of biodiesel fuel passes through a standardized filtration device in a specified time while it is cooled defining the limit of filtration ability of bio diesel. Use ASTM D6371 - 16 Standard Test Method
CFPP reflects fuel's cold weather performance. Uusually, it is the temperature at which a fuel causes a filter to plug due to its crystallization. The sample is cooled in a glass tube under prescribed conditions and inspected at intervals of 1oC. The temperature at which ester structures crystallize is recorded as the CFPP..
CFPP takes the temperature at which a given amount of fuel cannot be transferred through a given mesh filter. This is the essence, details you an find in any technical presentation