How did you know or hear about "feedback linearization"? Kindly give sources and references. This term commonly appears when students are introduced to Nonlinear Control. It is usually the first line of "control" when the knowledge about nonlinear system is certain and sufficient.
Feedback linearization is a powerful techniques for analysis and design of nonlinear systems. The main idea of this approach is to algebraically transform the nonlinear system dynamics into a fully or partially linearized system so that the feedback control techniques could be applied. in this method you won't lose nonlinearity of the system at all. in a simple sentence I can say that a FL controller have 2 parts;1-nonlinear part to eliminate nonlinearity 2- linear feedback to reach your objectives.
Feedback Linearization control strategy requires exact knowledge of the parameters of the system to achieve best results. However, most of the times, such information are not available.
I should add that here are two general forms of FL: input-state linearization and input-output linearization.
you can read more in chapter 13 of:
Khalil, H.K., 2015. Nonlinear control (pp. 33-45). New York: Pearson.