09 September 2017 0 2K Report

When we first encountered a misunderstanding of colleagues from the Western world in terms of their research in the environment, we were shocked to what extent many of the studies we conducted were much more thought out and representative than the works performed in the west. Many works simply are a compilation of a large body of data collected by thousands of volunteers and which repeat the truths and postulates traditionally taken for granted. In particular, that in Europe everything is bad even ordinary species of animals and plants are simply extiction.

But, what is Europe is understood by many differently. In a huge number of articles of our Western colleagues it is simply understood as a space without the Eastern part. 50 percent of the territory is not covered and is not even mentioned in references. And there are so many such examples. Describing Northern Europe as it is possible to forget about the Russian territory. Speaking about the processes in the boreal part of Europe, how can you ignore 70% of its territory in the European part of Russia.

Literally a fresh example, the article: Substantial decline of the Northern European peatland bird populations: Consequences of drainage, 2017, Biological Conservation 214: 223-232.

What to do ? the age-old question of the Russians. But we repeatedly turned to our Western colleagues about the collaboration and solution of these problems. In response, only silence or unsubscribing that they are very busy. But the truth of the knowledge of processes is elusive, and that is why Western colleagues must understand this. Or they caught only paper rating ?

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