09 September 2017 0 4K Report

In order not to be unreasonable, we have analyzed the reference lists of many articles concerning the European continent and the northern hemisphere (zones of taiga, tundra, arctic). Specially selected articles from "BIG" journals of the relevant elements of the ecology of animals and plants, molecular ecology, archeological zoology are closely related to RUSSIA. Analysis of more than 400 articles published in 2017 showed almost complete disregard for the work of scientists from Russia. It was found no more than 20 references mainly on collaborative research. There are almost no references to the works published in journals and books published in the Russian Federation. Very unpleasant, even publications on species, the area of which is more than 50% in Russia, and the importance of the territory of Russia is undeniable to solve the scientific problem, completely devoid of the Russian trace. What is it ? this is a special disregard or not knowledge or reluctant communication with articles in other languages. How can you publish an article about the polar bear without mentioning Russian works. How can you write an article on the state of affairs with the European freshwater fauna from the point of view of its protection and future preservation without mentioning the RED BOOK of the Russian Federation or viewing the regional red books published in each region of the Russian Federation. How can one write articles on phylogeography and molecular genetic analysis of the Eurasian species without examining samples from RUSSIA?

Now it's not the 20th century there is an Internet, many local magazines are fully accessible there is a summary in English in the end contact the Russian scientists for interaction. All this causes only regret and many questions.

To be continued

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