Creativity can be promoted across disciplinary boundaries. The disciplines follow regulations, while creativity interacts in the questions of emergencies.
The main discipline required for creativity is the discipline of taking time to consider new things, new ways and new methods and not putting yourself under time pressures that push out and restrict innovative thoughts.
Yes, that's right, among other possible considerations. The answer to the question about creativity must be, without a doubt, complex: disposition, time, critical sense, interaction, and so on.
I believe sufficient time with structured approach ( try, fail.. update .. try) with open minded brainstorming sessions (at regular interval) with divergent thinkers who can critically evaluate one's ideas and refine them as well, will help in developing disciplined creative behavior in researchers. Adaptability, time management, and acceptance for other's ideas will also help nudge the process...
“disciplined creativity” can be perhaps defined as the focussing on the creative process often in a specific timeframe and circumstance, towards a result you want to achieve for yourself or others, whilst working within the multi-dimensional constraints therein. However, can anyone teach creativity, disciplined or otherwise, in the first place? Can anyone teach Innovation? The ''e duco' in 'education' for me, is about extraction, assisting the 'bringing out' as apposed to the 'adding to' . This is very very relevant when engaged in any element of the creative process, either personally or can't unfortunately extract, what isn't there!
The need to move through the interstices of transdisciplinarity is not so evident. It is not clear what their contribution to knowledge is. The pressures of productivity and utilitarianism divert attention from going beyond disciplinary boundaries. Thank you very much for your contributions and comments.