Cell therapy is expanding its repertoire of cell types for administration. Cell therapy treatment strategies include isolation and transfer of specific stem cell populations, administration of effector cells, induction of mature cells to become pluripotent cells, and reprogramming of mature cells.
Cell therapy is not necessarily stem cell therapy. Or put in another way, stem cell therapy is one type of cell therapy.
Fetal cell (non stem cell) transplantations have been explored clinically, e.g. in Parkinson's disease. By stem cell therapy is frequently meant transplants of cells derived from stem cells, but not necessarily proliferative at the point of transplantation. Bone marrow transplants are an exception, here actual stem cells are transplanted. One of the biggest concerns in stem cell therapy is that cells may proliferate excessively after transplantation, and thereby give rise to tumors or other complications. This is not a concern if non-proliferating cells are transplanted.
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