For narrow bandgap semiconductors there major limit of their operation in high power electronics is related to the maximum temperature at which they can operate on.Physical reason for that is exponential increase of the intrinsic charge carriers (electrons and holes) generated directly through the energy gap. The larger the energy gap the smaller concentration of the intrinsic carriers and the higher temperature of operation. In early days of semiconductor technology germanium transistors were used. One of the reasons why they were replaced by Silicon transistors was that Germanium has much smaller energy gap than Silicon so the maximum temperature at which it could operate was smaller than for Silicon.
Could be less sensitive to high frequency(spikes) and transients signals, and hence would give more reliable and smooth operations for controls of drives operation....
Wide gap materials such as SiC and GaN are the the advanced materials for power electronic devices Because of their high voltage capability, high current carrying capacity , and higher speed. They can operate at higher temperature than silicon the conventional power device material. Therefore they are more compact in size.
For more details please follow the paper in the link:
It is a review paper and will give you the pros and contras of the wide gap materials for power devices.
For narrow bandgap semiconductors there major limit of their operation in high power electronics is related to the maximum temperature at which they can operate on.Physical reason for that is exponential increase of the intrinsic charge carriers (electrons and holes) generated directly through the energy gap. The larger the energy gap the smaller concentration of the intrinsic carriers and the higher temperature of operation. In early days of semiconductor technology germanium transistors were used. One of the reasons why they were replaced by Silicon transistors was that Germanium has much smaller energy gap than Silicon so the maximum temperature at which it could operate was smaller than for Silicon.