In the lab we use baytril (enrosite) as an antibacterial post surgery. It comes ready to inject for horses but we need to dilute it for our mice to give them the correct dose.
The thing is, the solution as packaged is pH 10.5 and when diluted it becomes around 7-8. This causes the drug to come out of solution and crystallize within about a day. When I check online, it is suggested to dilute the drug and use it within a day. That would lead to quite a bit of waste, so we are hoping to use a buffer to keep the drug dissolved in solution.
In the past I have tried simply adding NaOH to keep the pH similar between the drug in solution and the diluted version which seems to work well. My boss wants me to get a buffer that we can autoclave to keep sterile and use that instead of directly adding NaOH. Does anybody know if there is a buffer that would work for this application?