Thanks, but it is necessary to know what is normal electrical signal of some freshwater fish and signal wich is induced by highes concentration on salt. How can I observe electric signal, what device I need?
Some kind of indirect response of the behavior of the freshwater fish in salt water (or concentrations), could be measured using the methylation patterns of different tissues. For example, brown trout response to methylation patterns in gills differ depending on the days exposed to salt water.
As I said, it is not a direct measure of behavior, but it is easy to study. Other inconvenient it is that depending on the tissue needed, you have to euthanize the individual. If you need more information you can consult attached publication.
Article Environmental induced methylation changes associated with se...
I'm just curious what sort of behavior you'd be interested in observing? For instance, swim speed, predator avoidance, foraging efficiency, and even mating behaviors could all be observed in a tank. More physiological behaviors might be observable through changes in water chemistry consistent with greater respiration or waste production.