Microalgae or cyanobacterial pigments can easily be extracted by cold 90% methanol, cold 85% acetone in dark at 4 degree overnight. You may also extract pigments (chlorophyll and carotenoids) by DMSO but not at cold but at 55 degree for 15 minutes.
DMSO extraction may require more heating (to 70 degrees). It is also advisable to check the completeness of the extraction carefully, at least in preliminary experiments (maybe with more reliable method such as homogenization of the pelleted cells frozen in liquid nitrogen with subsequent extraction with Folch's mix (2 CHCl3:1MeOH). I also have to say that such a long extraction has to be done with great caution since the pigments are readily degraded. I seems to be much better from the standpint of preservation of their intactness to extract and measure them ASAP, not after 24 h.
Suzuki et al. (1993) Simplified Technique for the Rapid Determination of Phytoplankton Pigments by Reverse-Phase High-Performance Liquid chromatography. Journal of Oceanography 49, 571-580. (http://www.terrapub.co.jp/journals/JO/pdf/4905/49050571.pdf)
For recent advances in this technique, you may also look into: Pasquet et al. (2011) Study on the microalgal pigments extraction process: Performance of microwave assisted extraction. Process Biochemistry 46, 59-67 (doi: 10.1016/j.procbio.2010.07.009).
I write you to ask if you can provide us (also in terms of collaboration) with dried microalgae (unbroken cell wall).
We are not interested in a specifc microalga as we want to test new simple/cheap pretratments to improve oil recovery from microalgae, so we make a comparison between oil recovered from the untreated and from the pretrated microalgae.