Many experience teacher had used different method of teaching to attract or to improve the quality of sharing knowledge with students. How do you design the teaching to become innovative method?
Yes, innovation in teaching is good, and should be encouraged. But it can not be innovation for the sake of it. I would add the following:
--It must be purposive
--It must promote more effective learning and its retention by the students
--Rigour in learning should not be diluted; so just promoting fun with little learning is not acceptable, even though the students may like it..
--Students can be involved in designing the innovative learning process.
--A judicious use of videos, internet, and exercises can be made, depending upon the course they are studying for; that is what the students like more these days.
Yes, innovation in teaching is good, and should be encouraged. But it can not be innovation for the sake of it. I would add the following:
--It must be purposive
--It must promote more effective learning and its retention by the students
--Rigour in learning should not be diluted; so just promoting fun with little learning is not acceptable, even though the students may like it..
--Students can be involved in designing the innovative learning process.
--A judicious use of videos, internet, and exercises can be made, depending upon the course they are studying for; that is what the students like more these days.
There are several innovative teaching methods that we adopt depending on our subject, our students or the condition we are in. Flip teaching recently discussed on Prof Nageswara's thread, JITT, just in time teaching, team teaching are all innovative teaching methods that I have found useful to benefit quality of Learning among my students. Thanks.
Innovative teaching methods may or may not require additional tools. It is just to facilitate the exchange of knowledge/ideas/ among the students and with the teachers. It should be creating a student and teacher friendly environment to welcome the open mind. It should be helpful in enhancing the creativity amongst the students and helpful for the mankind.
It's a continuous requirement, but it must be student friendly. Innovative method does not mean that it will enhance learning. Innovative teaching method must be developed according to requirement and context.
I will add a bit more, but, the first thing that came to my mind is that I like to do a lot of Role Playing.
I was teaching a class about HIV/AIDS; I had the students role play finding out they were positive or telling their partner or sharing with a friend that one of their parents was positive....just one quick example.....oh, the role play included educating the other acting role.
Hi! In line with the previous comments, the way students learn today is evidently not the same way we used to in the past. Interaction between teachers and students, students centered methods such as flipped learning, blended learning are now taking the lead. Take a look at what some teachers in Spain are doing:
I disagree with you about your observation on skill. I am pretty clear in my mind that we must distinguish between education and training. Developing "doing skills" are the domain of training, basically. Education is more concerned with thinking, re-thinking, analysing, criticizing, appraising, critiquing, examining, elucidating, conceptualizing. If we expect skills-building in higher educational institutions or for that matter any educational institution, that would lead to weaker foundation of education. After the education is over, then only we must think of training and skill-building on strong foundation of education.
I completely agree with Dr. Kamal. Teaching must create a fluid communication between students and teachers. If you can capture their attention and their involvement in the class, the learning experience will be really productive. Any method getting this aim could be considered innovative (in my view). I'm teaching Neuroscience. However, at the very beginning of the class I project photographs from very different places (cities, landscapes...). They have to guess which place was projected and afterwards I tell a brief story about that place. They get relaxed and participative and two minutes later, being unaware of that, were are speaking about the brain.
Innovating teaching method is to add newly innovation in that particular topic/ field and it should also be understandable to the learners. It can be performed any method through ppt/black board teaching as well as mutual discussion.
As a summay to above, I belived that any method which helps in transferring knowledge in easy and effective method would be consider as an innovative method...
Mode of transferring knowledge may be differ according to demand and availability...
Innovation, as we all know, is about creativity and newness. So any teaching method that has some degree of newness in it and incorporates creativity whether in strategy, technique, methodology, learning environment, content, medium or any other component of the learning system would, in my opinion, be a candidate for being called an "innovative teaching method".
I don't have a great experience in the field of teaching; but when I started last year, I worked with different methods than my teachers, I do not read the handouts to my students, I explain, I summarize, I schematically with algorithm, diagrams, I prepare slideshows, I did my course also as a debate, I ask questions to see their comprehension rate, I give examples that have no relationship with the module, but that explain the idea of the subject of this course; also; I want that these students put well in their head, that in the field of research everything are interconnecting.
An innovative teaching method is the one which gets out of the "classical" mould of sending-receiving. When I was a student, I hated those lectures in which the instructor keeps looking at the notes & just delivers a "speech". I also hated those lectures in which the instructor keeps writing on the board & the students write after him/her for all the lecture duration.
I think that the instructor must apply diverse activities within each lecture. This requires good preparation since what will be placed on the table is a single paper containing "titles" of sections only. The instructor will have face-to-face teaching-learning process. During the process, the instructor talks, some students are encouraged to talk, the instructor writes on the board, some students are called upon to write on the board e.g. solving a question…etc.
In many cases, the lecture is 50 minutes so if there are 4 different activities, then there is a "change" every 12.5 minutes which copes with the average ability of the brain to "ingest & process".
During this "face-to-face process", I have noticed that many novel possibilities arise as "spur of the moment" reinforcing build-up of knowledge.
In today's reality, the perceived need for a new vision and a new model of higher education, which should be student-centered, which requires, in most countries, in-depth reforms and a policy of expansion access categories to accommodate increasingly diverse people, as well as a renewal of the contents, methods, practices and means of transmitting knowledge, which must be based on new types of links and partnerships with the community and with the broad sectors of society.
Innovative processes in education began in the change of attitude of the teacher, we can not conceive today teachers chalk and blackboard. From this approach, we need to start with the teacher likewise innovate, innovation means breaking paradigms, doing things differently, systematize lessons learned, make use of cooperative learning, interactive groups, peer tutoring, the classroom meetings, etc.. Because learning to participate, create situations that allow us to participate. To get involved in society, we must make concrete proposals, and take responsibility with our actions. To be more tolerant people we must learn to put ourselves in the place of others and to be socially active, and carry out specific actions to solve real and meaningful purpose.
An appropriate teaching methods deals with simple and easier to understand the student. Like user and friendly no need to put dozen of points. In which way student be
facilitated through your teaching is more important. Does not include matter too much.
Try to conceptual and evidence is prior enough to prove innovative teaching methods.
For me, Innovative teaching is a interesting way by which a Teacher make their students understand/ learn a concept which may be difficult to grasp by Routine way of teaching..
Dear Dr.Gonzalo Galileo Rivas Platero, Your contribution is really valuable but I like to add this point. In some universities, the citerion for promotion of an instructor is based on published research papers mainly. You will find promotion's regulations considering a single paper to be more valued than many years of teaching. Since this is the case, many instructors will not put any improvement in the teaching methods simply because they will not be rewarded. This led to a decline in the quality of universities graduates.
In my opinion, the real thing is that which method is the most effective. To be modern (innovative) or tradicional is actually subordinate for the efficiency.
Its a quite difficult matter to plan the methods before a lesson because you as a teacher should be very flexible to change it during your lesson. If you experience something difficulties in your students' understanding the method is the first you must change it for a new one.
Replying for your question, I can tell you that, to be innovative in teaching means me to aware modern technology (ICT), to apply the most modern methods such as questioning, knowledge -sharing activities, engagement activities and to change (combine) them very easily.
Innovation in teaching is an earnest attempt by a teacher with some thing new earnest tried in pedagogy empathizing the student's (real) learning abilities.
As described by Thomas Lehmann above innovation should not be a goal itself. Innovation is newness in any of the components of the learning system that results in more efficient or more effective learning. It may also be aimed at improved student retention (reduced drop out) or some other aspect of socio-economic benefit. So, at one time Montessori method of teaching (particularly for elementary education) was a great innovation which was primarily aimed at more effective learning and today MOOCS are an innovation which do not necessarily aim at better learning but their primary aim is to broaden the reach of quality education.
Dear Dr. Matar your point of view is valuable and poses a reality that higher education should meet and propose solutions. Capacity building in education is key to academics because if we bring about changes in the educational system we must foster spaces enablers for the adoption of effective teaching methods. The technical competence of a teacher does not give you the skills to teach and share knowledge in the classroom.
in all good faith, every teacher wants to be innovative in their approaches towards learning. Only a few innovative approaches click well, however these aren't permanent and it is continuously evolved.
Like in Industries, the TQM like initiative with KAZIEN (Continuous improvement) is required on PDCA mode.
Example: Using video's in learning - Right from school children to grown up adult students of universities and including the participants of industries irrespective of age, are attracted and easily learn from the video content. However the degree of 'enriched content' to basic varies with the audience and further the same content may not be appreciated over change in time too..
Classroom proceso is an interesting way to achieve that, special y considering the students principal and active tole in orden to find out information, investigate, select, organice and produce in colaborative groupon wordword
There are many such teaching methods that ignite the power of thinking and learning in young minds. Here are three examples:
Pestalozzi: The Pestalozzi method emphasizes spontaneity and self-activity. Children aren't given ready-made answers, but are encouraged to arrive at the answers on their own. It cultivates observing, judging and reasoning. Above all, children are encouraged to use their imagination to visualize images. As Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination circles the world." He credits the year he spent in a Pestalozzi-inspired school with his success. As Einstein biographer Walter Isaacson observes, "The visual understanding of concepts, as stressed by Pestalozzi ... became a significant aspect of Einstein’s genius."
Montessori: The Montessori method of teaching allows children to spend large parts of the day however they choose to learn, while the teacher observes. It's predicated on the theory that structured teacher-driven lessons inhibit a child's natural development. Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin claim that it was their Montessori education that instilled in them the spirit of independence and creativity.
Harkness: The Harkness style of teaching, also called Harkness Table, is the brainchild of oil magnate Edward Harkness. Learning takes place around a round table, conference style, rather than behind traditional school desks. This encourages students to take responsibility for their learning and to share their opinions. Phillips Exeter Academy, to whom Harkness made a substantial donation, is famous for its Harkness style of teaching. Among its notable alumni are Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and novelist John Irving.
As per my view is that a teaching methodology should be in such a way that it gives the toughest knowledge in the most simplest way. The fact should be made understandable with present day to day examples which every individual has commonly experienced in one or the other manner and not the bookish ones. This spurts the seed of imagination in the student which will grow with shoot and root making a well developed knowledge with logical reasoning and permitted imagination along with flexibility to undergo necessary changes with time. If it is only spurting imagination without logical reasoning then it will only lead to fantasy and dreaming which is far from reality.
I worked with communitary field based training link to theoritical class (in classroom), from several years. I Begun with investigation, simple research. After I used "Problem- Based Learning", making communitary diagnostics with my students in the medecin Faculty, about dissabilties conditions and perceptions of people, using cualitatives methods. This year, we starting with "Proyects- Based Learning" doing educatives little proyect oriented to dissabilies with differents kind of organizations (comunitary, educationals, dissabilities persons societies). That was very succesfull, so we are writing a paper about it. Can you tell me wich educational review could be interessed? Thank You
Therefore, Attempting Innovation in teaching can bring in (teacher) a "good Learning into their skills"... at the same time breaks the monotony of learning in Students.
Innovation, not only in teaching, but in every aspect of pedagogy, should be informed by some kind of structure. By this, I do not mean to restrict the innovative person, but to let them know in which ways their works can make a meaningful change. And I think if we are going to develop an innovative method, above all else, we should consider the contextual factor. A method which for example works in the UK may not be that suitable for another context in which British norms are absent.
Since the Philippines is actively participating in the ASEAN 2015, we are adopting the OUTCOMES BASED TEACHING LEARNING approach. All higher learning institutions are advised to adhere to this method. We find it quite effective and beneficial to both the instructor and the students. The students can outright see the outcomes of their learning by the instructors' selection of appropriate teaching methodology even at the middle of the term. For the instructors, they can easily assess whether the students had actually learned a skill by evaluating and seeing their actual output. Instructors can adopt different learning strategies to reinforce their learning. May I refer you to this article by John Biggs and Catherine Tang
Some universal teaching lectures, Power Points and videos designed by collaborative efforts of different institutes / countries - subject-wise and area-wise / discipline wise, along with imparting inter-intstitutional trainings to teachers are the need of the hour, it will save time also of teachers worldwide and keep them updated.
Universal teaching aids would also help in uniformity, be error free teaching and more practical, time saving as well as economical, can be updated regularly, be easily accessible to all, students can also use them as notes, and can be passed easily from generations to generations, can act as a databank
Dr Kuldeep is right in uniform teaching aids availability. Time will come for the same. Online few teaching aids are available by the efforts of ICAR and Universities and people are making use of them. According to Dr Kuldeep, it will be good, if joint efforts can be made.
An innovative teaching method should have these characteristics:
- Focus on learning, with the adoption of the paradigm learning to learn and oriented to individual and collaborative problem solving through critical thinking, exploration and use of different interdisciplinary perspectives.
- Consider that situated learning in real contexts and through training in practice or community service is more effective.
- Include subject to the rates, conditions and processes of student learning teaching strategies.
- Making information technologies available at any time and place for the creation of spaces and virtual learning communities (learning network).
- Having education systems converge where the strengths of the classroom modes, open and distance learning.
- Develop skills in students to adapt quickly to different situations and national and international, such as teamwork, use of information and communications technology, creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, communication and collaboration contexts , adaptability, initiative and autonomy, among others, in addition to the disciplinary knowledge.
- Encourage learning throughout life, learning anytime, anywhere.
if you are lucky and perfect, you may find a solution. You must know all the boundary conditions, which is often to complicated for a solely and lonesome thinker.
Perhaps it would be worthwhile detrmining the goals of an 'innovative' teaching method. Rather than assuming the goals are understood by everyone. As a starter, I would suggest that it should 'meet the educational needs of the broad spectrum of students'