This is a question of global distributive justice. It has been argued by some, that the disproportionately rich countries of the world do not really deserve their prosperity, because to some extent, their wealth has been accumulated due to factors, such as past colonialism, and practices, such as slavery and other forms of exploitation of the developing and under-developed countries by developed ones. Thus, it is claimed that rich individuals have a moral duty to share their wealth with poor individuals. More specifically, it has even been suggested that well-off individuals in prosperous countries should set aside 10% of their income to be redistributed to the poor in poorer areas of the globe. According to this argument, humanitarian foreign aid by state agents is important in redressing global inequality, but is inadequate alone. My question is intended to address the claim that there is a personal or individual moral duty which the rich of the world have to the poor. I am interested in whether one agrees or disagrees with this claim and why or why not. 

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