You might want to consider measuring perceived discrimination. See a paper by a colleague of mine:
The contribution of perceived ethnic discrimination to the prevalence of depression. Ikram UZ, Snijder MB, Fassaert TJ, Schene AH, Kunst AE, Stronks K.
Eur J Public Health. 2015 Apr;25(2):243-8. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/cku180. Epub 2014 Nov 21
1. The migration stress scale and the meaning of migration scale in Wong's article: The resilience of migrant workers in Shanghai China: The roles of migration stress and meaning of migration. (See attached).
2. The Barcelona Immigration Stress Scale (See link).
3. The border community and immigration stress scale (See link).
Estoy interesada en conocer su análisis sobre vulnerabilidad en el ámbito laboral. Realizo estudio sobre trabajadores internacionales. ¿Tiene algo al respecto o alguna orientación? Muchas gracias.
Improving services for migrants is a common challenge for countries: social determinants, mental illness and barriers to facilitators of care. Psychological Adaptation Improvement Program (PAIP )might be used as an effective intervention to improve psychological adaptation among international marriage migrant women in the rural community.