This is really nice/personal question that is nor expected to be raised in this academic place. My favorite color is green. This specific color represent life, good and healthy environment. Naturally and supernaturally, green (or evergreen) signifies positive energy, fertility and renewal . it is common to call healthy and fresh vegetables "green". I heard people saying "God is Green."
Dr. El-Sayed El-Aswad the symbolism of colour is very important to the psychoanalytical interpretation of the the significance of certain emotions of characters in literature. The importance of the symbolism of colour can not be overemphasized in arts. Colours not only influence emotions, they hold various meanings in different religions and cultures.
Most of time on the basis of favorite colour personality can be decided. My favorite colour is white.white is also symbolic of openness and fearlessness.
You are right that colour might not symbolize anything in particular to some people, but you must agree that certain people are more emotional and deeper than others. Symbols are very powerful; be it an erotic figure, a mythic and religious representation of a minaret and cross, a white dove, a panther, a black mamba, a white horse, a white house, a white dress, a green grass, etc. These terms are general, and at the same time, they have individualized meanings and functions for different people. The mind is a vast continuum.
Blue represents both the sky and the sea, and is associated with open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, expansiveness, inspiration, and sensitivity. Blue also represents meanings of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, heaven, and intelligence.
As far as symbolism is concerned here, Charles Peirce (1931–58) provides triple classification of signs (icon, index, and symbol) based on three categories of relations a sign might have to its object or what it stands for. Resemblance or similarity is necessary for the icon. A sign is considered iconic, such as a photo or image, when it resembles what it refers to. Contiguity or the relationship between
a part and a whole turns a sign into an index such as knocking on a door. An index demonstrates the existence of its object. Finally, a sign becomes a symbol when nothing but convention determines its relationship with what it stands for.
Therefore, colors relate to symbols that are cross-culturally different (different cultures prefer different colors. For example, the lucky color in China are red, yellow, and green, while white is the color of mourning or sadness. Among the Arabs, white is the color of happiness or good occasions, while black symbolizes sadness and respect. Green is a favorite color symbolizing happiness and eternity for most of Muslims.
According to psychologists, the person who prefers blue is often passionate to the fullest degree. Although he is open to the other, he does not trust much around him, but that does not mean giving his confidence to the other is impossible, but it requires monitoring his behavior for a fairly long time. This person is not ashamed to express his feelings freely so much that he is able to cry in front of others automatically, as much as he can express his happiness childishly and laugh with all his heart. A person who prefers blue is an innate intelligence who can discover the feelings of the real around him, no matter how they try to hide them. One of the qualities he also enjoys is his full harmony with himself and that he is peaceful, calm and patient to the fullest extent.
It is said that the personality of the individual can be analyzed and know from the most important features of the colors that he prefers.
The preferred color is light blue. This color indicates that "the people who prefer this color are more cheerful but tend to fluctuate in the mood, work a lot and actively, love friendships and relationships, are loyal in their relationships and never give up friends."
In my study of Muslim worldviews (in Egypt), I observed that blue color denotes simultaneously both protective and destructive powers. As far as the good/protective aspect in concerned, a vernacular description of the sky is the "blue tent," (khimah zargah). One of the most popular names for Allah is Abu Khimah Zargah, the "Owner of the Blue Tent" who watches over the universe and its occupants. The sky, visualized as a tent or dome, signifies satr, which in this context has the meanings of veil and protection. Also, the blue color of the sky is associated with the belief in the invincible power of blue amulets as a means of protection against evil forces, mainly the evil eye. As far as the destructive power of blue is concerned, it signifies death, destruction, or viciousness as expressed in the phrase "The blue bone" ('adma zdrga). Moreover, the corpse is described as being blue, and bereaved women dye their clothes with indigo (nilah) as a sign of grief.