I am in my 2nd year at university and I am currently doing an assignment for further research methods. I need to do a correlation and multiple regression on three variables. My predictor variables are conscientiousness and achievement, and my criterion variable is life satisfaction. I'm struggling a bit with this and I just have a few questions.

1. in my introduction, I found that students who have a high need achievement motivation had low satisfaction with life. So would my hypothesis be that I expect a negative correlation?

2. if my hypothesis is that I am expecting a negative correlation between achievement and life satisfaction, would my 5th hypothesis be that I expect achievement to be a negative predictor of life satisfaction?

3. What is the difference between a variable being a positive predictor or a negative one?

4. In my multiple regression, for achievement both the beta value and the t value are negative and the p value is .599 so its non significant. What does this mean in terms of my hypotheses and report?

5. If my hypothesis was that I predict that there will be a significant negative correlation between achievement and life satisfaction, and in the pearsons correlation it shows that there is a negative correlation but is non significant, would I write that it does not support my hypothesis?

I would be really grateful if these questions were answered

Thank you

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