In the present epoch we know that due to AI, machine learning, deep learning and knowledge based systems robots and new technologies are emerging and it is taking place of humans.
An interesting question. Considering current research problems important for science, I think that the question concerns particularly important issues. I believe that research on this topic should be continued. There was an interesting discussion. After 20 years, much will change. 20 years is a long period for the continuation of the current fourth technological revolution, known as Industry 4.0. Greetings
The current technological revolution known as Industry 4.0 is motivated by the development of the following factors: Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, Business Intelligence and other advanced data mining technologies.
On the basis of the development of the new technological solutions in recent years, dynamically developing processes of innovatively organized analyzes of large information sets stored in Big Data database systems and computing cloud computing for the needs of applications in such areas as: machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence are dynamically developing, Business Intelligence.
Added to this are additional areas of application of advanced technologies for the analysis of large data sets, such as Medical Intelligence, Life Science, Green Energy, etc. Processing and multi-criteria analysis of large data sets in Big Data database systems is made according to the V4 concept, ie Volume (meaning number of data), Value (large values of specific parameters of the analyzed information), Velocity (high speed of new information appearing) and Variety (high variety of information).
The above question inspired me to the following considerations:
Different types of intelligence are studied and described, eg emotional intelligence is significantly different from classical intelligence. Intelligence is determined by various factors, both genetic and behavioral, developmental. In addition, the development of artificial intelligence, which in my opinion never matches human is done under the control of a human being, which means that the probability of realizing a negative development scenario of this technology presented in literature and film from the science fiction genre is small. It is unlikely that self-perfecting machines, which would be autonomous robots at the same time, would achieve a high level of intelligence, matching human intelligence and would rebel against people as demonstrated, for example, in science fiction movies from the "Terminator" series. Does anyone of you in this matter have a different opinion? If so, why?
In the context of the above considerations, the following question is also current:
Which of the various scientific discoveries or the development of new scientific theories, the creation of technical inventions that have contributed to accelerate the development of civilization, the development of a new generation of innovative technologies in a specific field of knowledge and applicable in a given sector of the economy, etc. belong to the most important in the context of civilization, including the economic development of the world?
Every now and then a specific technological revolution is made in the context of the technical development of civilization, which was often caused by a new, especially important invention thanks to which the acceleration of economic development in the national and supranational approach took place.
Appearing from time to time, the next generation of inventions changed the relationship between the application of particular types of production factors in the production processes and offering services.
Many times this concerned the relationship between the application of the human factor and its objectification through the use of machines and technical devices, or the replacement of human work by automated machines or, as it happens, recently, through the development of robotization.
In connection with this, the current question becomes: Will the development of robotization and computerization cause a significant increase in unemployment in the future?
These types of questions have appeared many times in every era of the technological and industrial revolution, the period of accelerating technological development. These types of questions have already appeared in the periods of increasing the scale of objectification, arming technical human labor since the processes of manufacturing goods in manufactories have transformed into mass production. This was the case during the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century, when the invention of the steam engine significantly accelerated the development of industry and mass production.
Then, the introduction of tape production in various branches of mass production in the early twentieth century. In the second half of the twentieth century, ie in the era of subsequent stages of mechanization, automation, then the computerization of the production of many mass goods, this question appears again. Through these periods of technological progress, national economies have been transforming structurally from agricultural, industrial to modern-day domination of services. At the same time, the importance of new generation factors, which include information, technology, entrepreneurship and innovation, was gradually growing.
Some branches of industry were shrinking, others were growing in the whole production of goods in the economy. At the same time, new professions, professions and specializations of human work were created, related to information, IT, analytical and technological services related to the development of new fields of knowledge and technology. So the earlier fears about the lack of work for people in connection with the technical progress that took place over the last several hundred years turned out to be essentially exaggerated. However, currently the same questions reappear: Can the development of robotization and computerization cause a significant rise in unemployment in the future?
If such questions arise, then we are dealing with another era of technical progress or another technological revolution. The attributes of this revolution are also increasingly added to the development of new online media, computerized computing techniques, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Big Data, etc. in the applications of such areas of knowledge and science as biotechnology, metrology, ecology, energy, communication, medicine and many other fields of life science and new tech.
Robotization is rapidly progressing and is one of the main determinants of the development of the modern technological revolution, known as Industry 4.0.
According to current estimates, the number of robots currently in operation (in a broader sense, ie production machines and other machines as well as human robots) in the world is growing rapidly in recent years. In addition, rapid growth is expected, with the growing dynamics of the number of robots in the coming years. According to estimates, in the next dozen or so years, if not before, their number may be equal to the number of people on Earth. Is it possible in the future to revolt robots, which was often the subject of many different science fiction novels and movies? Is the vision of a robotic rebellion against a man similar to that of the movie Terminator really real?
In view of the above, I am asking you: Is the vision of a robotic rebellion against a man similar to that of the movie "Terminator" really real?
Rebellious robot is indeed a small fraction of the dangers of developing robots with equal thinking as man. The worst will be other human being controlling the robots to do severe harm. Robots can never be as intuitive as man (if this is possible, then scientist should start creating humans or make humans ageless).
I personally believe that scientists would be able to develop more advanced automated engines. However, higher level of risks in operating these machines should require more human interventions. We would see, for example, pilots changing the flight course through manual procedures upon softwares failure during the flight.
Likewise, there would be limitations in operating automated ships on High Seas!