Science is in great turmoil. The quality that we had assumed existed in traditional peer review has clearly proven to be flawed, across a wide range of journals and publishers. There are many reasons for why the literature is, as I see it, in a highly corrupted - academically speaking - state. And it needs serious correction. There is also increasing evidence that editors have also been / are part of this problem, that all parties are gaming the impact factor, and that some publishers appear to be seeking more comfort in profit than in taking care of the literature's academic integrity. Although there are dozens of blogs and web-sites that discuss pockets of issues, in my view, three sites offer insight, with regular updates, on the state of science publishing, and why it is in this state of turmoil. I am of the opinion that even if you disagree with the sites, or their owners, that they should be regularly consulted.

Retraction Watch:


What do you feel about these sites?

Do you feel that they advance, or damage, science?

Why do you think more such sites do not exist, or do you think that such sites should not exist?

(Disclaimer: I have absolutely no association or affiliation with these sites, or their owners, although I regularly use them).

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