Hello, dear research community. Very recently we faced various reactions from various journals to a scientific work that we submitted to their expertise. I did not really understand the reasons for these reactions and especially the very large discrepancy between them from one scientific journal to another. I would like you to enlighten me a little, so that I can draw some conclusions and get tougher for the future.

Less than 24 hours after our submission in the first scientific journal, we received notification from one of the editors in chief, rejecting our paper and stating that "the work reported in it was not yet ready for publication in a leading journal". Then, he suggested that we first publish papers in conferences before re-submitting our work. I did not understand this analysis very well. First because the response time (less than 24 hours) seemed short to me and second because the paper was still well evaluated in our team, before being submitted. Are conferences an obligatory part of the process ? Or did the scientific journal in question just assess the risk it would take to start analyzing a paper that was more likely to be rejected in the end ?

We then submitted the paper without changing it to the second scientific journal we had listed. This seemed to be the most appropriate journal for our work because it had in its columns several papers dealing with the same issues as ours. Moreover, about 20% of our literature review came from the papers in this journal alone. To our great surprise, our paper was rejected a month later on the grounds that "the subject you are discussing is outside the scope of this journal". Here, I did not understand why it took a month to come to such a conclusion and also I did not understand this conclusion at all. What could explain this ?

We submitted the paper without changing anything to the third scientific journal listed (no less brilliant than the other two according to the usual tools for measuring the quality of scientific journals) and it initiated the peer-review process less than two weeks after submission.

Please help me to understand these various reactions using your respective experiences. There are certainly some things we have omitted on our side and perhaps logical explanations for the behaviour specific to each leading journal. Thank you in advance!

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