I have recently ordered the Taqman RNA-to-CT One-step kit in order to assess the expression regulation of 12 genes involved in the one-carbon metabolism and oxidative stress. Before starting with these RT-qPCR analyses, however, I decided to test the PCR efficiency at different concentrations of my RNA samples. I set up a serial dilution series (10ng/reaction – 160ng/reaction), picked one of the genes and fired away.
Yet none of my replicates corresponded with one another.
Immediately I questioned my pipetting skills. Therefore I asked two colleagues to perform the same PCR efficiency assay. But to no avail. None of the replicates aligned and the PCR efficiency ranged between 60% and 80%.
In the meantime, I have performed many RT-qPCR assays – with new and old reagents, with RNA from different tissues, different real-time PCR machines, with capped tubes and 96-well plates as well as purified and unpurified RNA. Still none of the replicates corresponded.
As the assays are far from repeatable, my work is quite at a dead end now.
Thus, I would like to know if someone has also encountered such a problem in the past? If so, what was the problem and how did you fix it?