while isolating total RNA from the HeLa cells using Trizol method, we observed yellow pellet after washing with 75% ethanol. Does it mean that there is some contamination ? If Yes, How could this contamination be removed if at all possible.
It seems to me that the RNA has some yellow coloured substance. It cannot be concluded that it is some sort of contamination unless you take the A260/A280 ratio by nanodrop. Pure RNA should have a ratio of around 1.9 - 2.1.
You can also run a gel to check the quality of RNA.
Malcolm Nobre 260/280 ratio was 1.89 while the 260/230 ratio was 2.1 and RNA quality was also good as the gel bands showed no degradation at all. But i never had yellow pellet before so i was curious.
I've experienced similar problem - the pellet was light-green. Nevertheless, RNA concentration and purity were fine. It was visually odd, but there were no troubles with any of the following procedures (RT, PCR).
But of course, check your RNA quality on Nanodrop - yellow colour might be a sign of contamination al well. Or maybe it's about the reagents you use - make sure, they are stored properly and not out-of-date.